“To develop future-ready youths who are critical thinkers and self-directed learners, through an engaging Science curriculum with quality learning experiences.”
The Science Department endeavors to develop students into inquisitive, keen learners of the Sciences. In alignment to the Science Curriculum Framework, we aim to prepare our students to be sufficiently adept as effective citizens who can make informed decisions and take responsible actions in their daily lives, based on strong fundamentals in scientific knowledge, practices and values, to be able to contribute to an increasingly technologically-driven world.
In the Science department, Science lessons are inquiry in nature, anchored with Core Ideas and Practices of Science as well as Values, Ethics and Attitudes in Science. The term Practices encapsulates the importance of “Ways of Thinking and Doing in Science” which are key skills in the development of 21st Century Competencies (21CC).
Hence, in the teaching and learning of the Sciences, understanding of scientific content, knowledge and skills is reinforced and enhanced through practical investigations, experiential learning as well as beyond the classroom experiences through enrichment programs and competitions.

The Science Department seeks to provide meaningful learning experiences beyond the classrooms for students through various enrichment programs and competitions.
Through partnership with external organisations, students are exposed to Science and the technologies it entails beyond the textbooks. By participating in these programs, we can nurture a greater passion for Sciences in our students.
Some of our key programs are:
- Science Talent Academy
- Learning Journey to NeWater Visitor’s Center
- Integrative Activity on Creation of a Filter System
- Learning Journey to National Kidney Foundation
- PET Rocket Workshop
- Lower Secondary Elementz Competition
- Upper Secondary Elementz Competition
- Science Hacks @ PHSS
- NUS Crystal Growing Competition
- International CB Paul Science Quiz